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Posted on Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 and under 大马时事.
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数典忘祖,卖族求荣的郑全行Ridhuan Tee Abdullah,被踢爆曾向国防大学土著学生灌输种族清洗思想,以赞扬德国纳粹总统希特勒以毒气大屠杀超过100万犹太人为由,暗喻大马国内非土著也应该遭受种族清洗!



针对国防大学讲师,华裔穆斯林宗教师郑全行Ridhuan Tee向学生灌输【种族清洗】思想一事,国防部副部长阿都拉欣巴克利说:【我们将会调查此事,我们不确定他是不是以极端的方式教导学生种族清洗课题;不过我们相信国防大学的讲师都是具有专业学术水准的,如果他只是以学术角度向学生讲解种族清洗课题,我们觉得那不是问题,不足以构成煽动罪。】

这里抛出一个假设性的问题:如果郑全行Ridhuan Tee真的在国防大学向学生灌输了【种族清洗主义】,矛头针对的不是非土著而是大马土著族群,国防部高官还可能会发表这么冠冕堂皇的理由维护他吗?


郭素沁也说,Ridhuan Tee是引用二战时期德国纳粹总统希特勒以毒气屠杀百万犹太人的历史事迹来支持他的种族清洗论点。他对学生表示,他支持希特勒屠杀犹太人的残酷行为,因为犹太人是回教徒的世仇,换做是回教徒屠杀犹太人,他也会支持。


或许是因为被郭素沁揭发丑行而老羞成怒,Ridhuan Tee竟然事后在他自己的马来专栏中以【老处女嫁不出】来羞辱郭素沁。这更引起了许多理智的部落客挞伐!许多部落客指称,民主思想就是尊重每个人的选择,结婚不结婚是个人私事,怎能用这个话题羞辱别人?足见Ridhuan Tee根本就是一个毫无理性的极端思想主义者,根本不配为人师表。

事实上,我们从旁观看,不难理解为什么Ridhuan Tee急着要在巫统领袖面前这样表现Hard Sale自己,因为他过去多次侮辱华人,从来不以自己是华人自居;但是马来人又不承认他是土著,充其量只不过是个华裔回教徒,根本得不到土著的特权利益照顾,更不被接受加入巫统成为党员,许多发财机会他都可望不可即;内心的焦虑可想而知。

他之所以抛出【种族清洗】课题,矛头指向国内非土著,即华人印度人和所有原住民,目的就是为了取悦目前大力鼓吹种族极端主义的巫统领袖的欢心!如果将来有一天他倡议的【非土著被种族清洗大屠杀】变成现实,大马各族人民自相残杀,血流成河,Ridhuan Tee会是最开心的一个???
SO! Has Ridhuan Tee been giving lessons on how to ETHNIC-CLEANSE THE NON-MALAYS?
The Defence Ministry will investigate allegations that Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) lecturer Ridhuan Tee Abdullah had taught ethnic cleansing at the university.

However, Deputy Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Bakri said it is not wrong for a lecturer to raise issues of ethnic cleansing if this is based on facts.

“I do not have information on this but we have to be fair (to Ridhuan) and look at whether the subject was taught in a seditious manner or (if it was) to expose students to facts that they need to know,” Rahim said during Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat today.

“As far as I know, lecturers recruited to teach at UPNM have wide experience and knowledge, and if they were exposing things … based on facts, and not seditiously, it is not a problem. We will investigate this matter and inform you of the outcome.”

Rahim was replying Teresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh) who asked about Ridhuan, who allegedly “taught ethnic cleansing to students in his course”.

Kok had asked what the government is doing about Ridhuan who has been accused of also teaching things which contravene “defence ethics and laws”.

In parliamentary debates last month, Kok had also questioned why no action was taken against the professor and newspaper columnist after a fellow academic complained that Ridhuan had plagiarised his work.
Citing his columns in Malay language dailies, Kok said Ridhuan had also glorified fascist leader Adolf Hilter and supported the ethnic cleansing of Jews. – Mkini

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=195592%3Aso-has-ridhuan-tee-been-giving-lessons-on-how-to-ethnic-cleanse-the-non-malays%3F-mindef-to-probe&Itemid=2#ixzz2mWtETJpU

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