The Edge坚持揭弊不逃避
Posted on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 and under 大马时事.Warning: Undefined variable $before in /home3/myrunners/public_html/ on line 19
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Tags: 1MDB
《The Edge》首席执行员何启达透露,该媒体已在这两天将所有文件交给了国家银行和警方,以协助调查一马公司与沙地石油国际公司联营计划的丑闻。何启达强调,他们在今年初获得这些资料,并让IT专家研究其真实性后严密保存,以防窜改。
We could not walk away on finding out about the scheme to cheat Malaysia of billions of ringgit
KUALA LUMPUR (July 21): The Edge had reported extensively on 1 Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) in 2013 and 2014 as it emerged that the government-owned entity had run into financial difficulties. Information was, however, scarce and limited because its annual audited financial reports were consistently late.
Our journalists have met various contacts and pored through whatever available information they could get hold of in search of the truth.
虽遭1MDB驳斥 The Edge 坚持报导无误
(吉隆坡21日讯)儘管一马发展公司(1MDB)昨日发表声明驳斥財经日报《The Edge》的报导內容不实以及「炒作」,惟该报章今日坚持昨日的报道和本身的立场,並表示迄今未有任何人提出诉讼。
《The Edge》今日刊登1MDB的澄清文告后,也强调该报坚持所有有关一马发展公司导报无误。
财经日报《The Edge Financial Daily》再揭发,大马年轻富豪刘特佐与沙地石油国际公司串谋,从一马发展公司(1MDB)中获得18亿3000万美元(约69亿5000万令吉)。(转载自:The Edge FInancial Daily)

虽遭1MDB驳斥 The Edge 坚持报导无误