Category Title: 其他

How many gems does it cost to unlock the 4th formation? 1000
How many gems will you get as a reward for reaching Silver rank after the Season ends in the Arena? 0
What is the emblem on Ivan's clock? A crown
At ...
Bounty quiz answer – Art of war

On 3/6/16 Friday at 3pm, 2 guys tried to break into our house (Taman Bukit Angsana, Cheras KL) and cctv managed to captured their action. 1 of the guy did not cover his face as you can see from the screen captured below. ...
Taman Bukit Angsana, Cheras 兩毛賊企圖爆竊事件 [Video]

[fbvideo link="" width="550" height="400" ...
【Auntie , 小心你的『荷包』】

Google Search、Google Maps、Google Docs、Google+、Google Calendar、Gmail、YouTube……實現所有 Google 服務的全部 20 ...
Google 如何管理其 20 億行程式碼?

净选盟新鲜出炉的4.0 Bersih 4.0 集会海报。
=========== Bersih ...