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沙巴有难 我们应该做什么?

Posted on Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 and under 其他.
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1. 为战场上的每一位(军人、记者、平民)祈祷。
沙巴有难 我们应该做什么?
2. 在网络上谨慎发言,尤其是涉及种族、宗教和军事的言论,务必克制。

3. 避免在网上展开论战。由于大家都没有完整的讯息,加上网络军团已经火力全开,利用各种煽动性议题挑拨网民,因此大家必须保持冷静,避免与这些人争论。

4. 关注沙巴最新动态,共同监督战事进展,并随时准备为灾民提供援助和重建家园。

5. 将战情与政治区分开来。军人和警察扮演着重要的角色,我们应该给予全力支持。至于高调领功和自以为是英雄的政客,我们要谨慎提防。

6. 恶搞和幽默贴图应该停止。事情已经发展到暴力冲突的地步,缺乏敏感度的图片和文字会挑起人们的敏感神经,尤其是当地居民。

7. 一切属于猜测和推断的讯息,我们不要散播,也不要留言。过度的参与和讨论,只会让这些讯息得到更多的曝光率,并非明智之举。

8. 关注国外的新闻报导,尤其是有公信力的国际媒体,以避免国内讯息封锁或误传而引起不必要的恐慌、愤怒及失去理性

9. 保持理性,不要人云亦云。

10. 爱我们的沙巴。她是我们家园的一部分。


1. Pray for the people involved in the assault (the citizens, journalists, police force and the army).

2. Be cautious of what you say on the internet, especially when it involves race, religion or military issues.

3. Avoid creating ‘wars’ on the internet. The news we received so far might have been biased, incomplete and insufficient for us to make judgments. We have seen enough speeches / statements online that have done purposely to provoke the crowd and create a chaotic environment, especially by cyber-troopers. Everyone should keep calm, avoid unnecessary discussions and arguments with these people, so that these ‘wars’ will come to a stop.

4. Keep yourselves updated to the news in Sabah, and show your concern about the issue. Be ready anytime to help the victims if needed.

5. Know the difference between ‘war’ and ‘politics’, don’t mix them up. The army and the police play a very important role in this event, and yes, they need our support. And keep an eye on politicians who claim themselves to be heroes, don’t be fooled.

6. Stop making fun of the event / posting or reposting insensitive picture jokes about the event. It is a very serious issue here: it involves the name of Malaysia, it involves violence, and it is NOT FUNNY. Posting such insensitive statuses or pictures will irritate and hurt many people, especially those who stay near Lahad Datu.

7. Do not spread rumours, unreliable news sources or guesses. You shouldn’t be commenting on them either. Once you get yourself involved, these stuffs spread faster. It is definitely not a wise thing to do.

8. Get information from different news sources, especially those from credible international news agents. Be rational, don’t be panic, don’t take sides, and don’t blindly listen to the local news.

9. Be rational, don’t just anyhow follow the flow.

10. Love Sabah. It is part of our homeland.

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